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Nick Kembel
Nick Kembel
Posts : 231
Join date : 2019-07-12

Golden Gate Park Empty Golden Gate Park

Thu May 18, 2023 9:32 am
Golden Gate Park Japanese-tea-garden-in-golden-gate-park.jpg
Golden Gate Park is home to of plenty attractions in California where fun seekers love to go and have fun. I have been there once and must say a worth seeing location. This is a peaceful spot that grabs my attention. Let me know if have you ever been there.

trips from san francisco ready to depart.
Posts : 356
Join date : 2019-07-15

Golden Gate Park Empty Re: Golden Gate Park

Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:47 am
If I am not wrong, then Golden Gate Park is located in San Francisco but which image you have shared in your post was taken from the Japanese Tea Garden. I think mistakenly you shared this garden image here instead of Golden Gate Park.

Anyhow, no doubt Golden Gate Park is a great spot to enjoy quality and peaceful time there. I must try to visit this park whenever I take any SFO trip.
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